Hippo Golden Brick Intelligent Analysis System uses financial modeling as its theoretical framework, covering disciplines such as statistics, econometrics, physical space, and more. Through high-speed cloud computing, it provides clear and concise data analysis results to users in the form of direct and definite real-time trading strategies, helping users achieve their profit goals.
Hippo Golden Brick Intelligent Analysis System removes the concept of time and uses pure physical space concept to display candle data. It can express the value of trading varieties more clearly. It eliminates the candle spikes and avoids the emotional impact of the volatile market. It helps users to complete trading more objectively and rationally.
So far, the most popular chart type among traders is the Japanese candlestick, which helps to easily assess the current market situation. Candlestick charts can get a good visual representation of price development within the covered period through a single candlestick. But some traders think that this is a disadvantage, that is, the chart contains a time component, so they would rather only deal with price changes. This is when the equivalent line appears.
The “equivalent line” chart is constructed by a series of bricks determined by price fluctuations. When the price rises, a brick is placed upward on the chart, and when it falls, a brick is added downward.
The equivalent line has no concept of time and is a product of pure physical space. If the height of the equivalent line is set to 10 points (pips), a line will appear as long as the price rises/falls by 10 points. If the market keeps oscillating between 10 points, no new equivalent line will appear.
The Four parts of Golden Brick System:
Trading Direction: Red for long, green for short. In the figure below, green only short positions below the moving average.
Trading opportunity: Short when changing from red to green, preferably after approaching the moving average, then short again when turning green. Long vice versa.
Rules: Short below the moving average, long above it.
Entry point: Short when the price is close to the moving average below it, and changes from red to green. Long when the price is close to the moving average above it, and changes from green to red.
Multi-indicator Resonance: Trading: Equidistant Lines + Trend Lines + Golden Brick Indicator, only trade when all three indicators meet the conditions
Every day, there are 1-2 opportunities to profit by 30-40 pips. Capturing just one opportunity can result in a 3-5% profit.
A single equidistant line represents 15 pips (150 pips in total), with a minimum of 4 lines drawn daily. We aim to capture gains from just 2 equidistant lines
1) 1) Double click pop up“Hippo Smart Trading System”registration screen. (As shown in Figure 1) Input the registration code, user information, and click the “Register”button.
Figure 1. Registration page
2)、After click “Register”, get into installation screen. Because of the system developing based on MT4 indicator,the installation path must chose MT4’s installation directory.
A、Open the MT4 platform which you want to install,and then select the “File”menu->“open Data Folder”to open the data folder screen.(As shown in Figure 2)
Figure 2、Data folder
B、Copy the path above the selected data folder screen.(As shown in Figure 3).
Figure 3、MT4 data file directory
C、Copy the data folder path into “MT4 data folder”. And then click “Setup”to complete the installation automatically.Paste the data folder path into “MT4 location”.(As shown in Figure 4).
Figure 4、 Installation Path
3)、When you see the screen like this,it means that the installation is finished. Please click”Exit”and open the MT4 platform.(As shown in Figure 5)
Figure 5. Successful installation
4)、Load the indicator, select ‘HP_GoldenBrick V2.0”(As shown in Figure 6)
Figure 6、Load Analysis Templates
5)、After loading the templates, we can start to use the Hippo GoldenBrick system.(As shown in Figure 7 )
Figure 7、 Hippo Smart Trading System Main Screen
Round Dot:
Red buy,
green sell
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